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Tech Integration

We need technology integration because it helps to keep students engaged. Students learn 21st-century skills like visualizing and decision making, knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate tool for the task. It shifts learning to be more student-centered, where they take charge of their learning instead of a teacher-centered classroom. 

We can integrate technology by teaching students how to use different technology resources that are available to them.  Once they get familiar with the different devices, then teachers can choose which ones they want to integrate into their lesson plans. For example, if students were learning about animation, they could create characters out of clay and then use iPads to record a short stop motion animation. Then they could use a kid-friendly video editing app to edit their video.  So not only did they learn about animation, they learned how to create their own using technology. 

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."

- Albert Einstein

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